The biomechanics standard


7 May, 2018

The C3D web site is maintained by Motion Lab Systems as a resource for the biomechanics community.

All of the C3D information on this web site is in the public domain and may be copied and freely distributed with other products. The C3D User Manual documenting the C3D format and structure may be copied and supplied with any product that supports C3D.

This web site does not use cookies or collect or store any data from visitors.

Original XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS2 template by Andreas Viklund

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C3D Files supported

The websites listed above all offer products that support C3D files. Please contact us if your product supports the C3D format to request that your website be added to this list.

The 3D Biomechanics Data Standard

This web site provides definitive information about the C3D file format for programmers, manufacturers and end-users. The C3D format is a public domain, binary file format that has been used in Biomechanics, Animation and Gait Analysis laboratories to record synchronized 3D and analog data since the mid 1980's.  It is supported by all 3D major Motion Capture System manufacturers, as well as other companies in the Biomechanics, Motion Capture and Animation Industries.

Within this site you will find:

The web site is designed to be easy to access, with a minimum of graphics, so that each page loads quickly.  Most pages will load in less than ten seconds over a dial-up modem connection.

Although maintained by Motion Lab Systems, the information provided here is not intended to push a visitor towards any specific hardware or software supplier.   The only criteria for information on this site is that it is associated with the C3D format.  We welcome comments and program submissions from all C3D users, equipment manufacturers and application vendors.

Please note that the structure of the C3D web site may change significantly when the on-line C3D User Manual or the site itself is updated.  If you link to this site we recommend that you link to the web site root www.c3d.org as internal page links will change.